Tuesday 1 April 2014

I Made You Laugh Once

A couple of days ago at a coffeehouse, my friend said "Your poem was very interesting. What was it about?"

Um. Well.

I tried telling him the plot, as it was a narrative poem, but he'd already heard that. I left it at that and thought about it for the rest of the show. The best answer I could come up with, after thinking for quite some time, was "I was trying to solve a mystery." The mystery in question was frivolous, but I realized that this is what all my poems are - not necessarily about something, but a process. A journey. Often I start with just a few words and see where they take me, stealing other words from previous, rough poems. Often - relatively often, recently - I decide I need to write a happy poem, and then inject a cruel twist and it joins my collection of not-so-happy poems. Today, I was determined to finally finish a poem with words that have been floating around for weeks:

i made you laugh

During April - Camp NaNoWriMo and Poem a Day - I won't post entire poems, but I will post bits and pieces.

i don't know if now
we are talking about old house
insulation because we are
so desperate to hold onto
conversation, or because
we have run out of things to say. 

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